Service Project
据外媒报道,5月24日KMTC旗下一搜名为KMTC HONGKONG的集装箱船,在泰国林班查港发生大火!众多集装箱着火,并产生化学泄漏,至少20人被送往附近医院进行化学中毒和烧伤治疗。这条船曾在上海港挂靠!
据小编了解到,发生事故的船只为KMTC HONGKONG,目前锚泊在林查班。
▲MSC MATILDE 疑似共舱船公司
MSC official Statement:
Early Friday morning on 24 May, the container ship MSC Matilde was found to be listing in dock at the Port of Liverpool, UK. As a precaution, to ensure the safety of the captain and crew, they were disembarked from the vessel. There were no reports of injuries, loss of cargo or damage to ship and operations are back to normal. The cause of the incident is still being analysed by the relevant authorities.
MSC official Statement:
Early Friday morning on 24 May, the container ship MSC Matilde was found to be listing in dock at the Port of Liverpool, UK. As a precaution, to ensure the safety of the captain and crew, they were disembarked from the vessel. There were no reports of injuries, loss of cargo or damage to ship and operations are back to normal. The cause of the incident is still being analysed by the relevant authorities.